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Posts tagged as “Space Engineers”

Space Engineers: Contact on October 14

The newest DLC and accompanying update to the space construction game Space Engineers has now got October 14 as its launch date.

As the name suggests, this DLC’s focus is on making space a bit more populated. This means there are new Global Encounters as well as Planetary Encounters to expect. Also a whole brand new faction in the form of The Factorum. Makers of a competely new technology.

This new tech consists of a number of new types of blocks such as Prototech Components, Prototech Assembler and a Prototech Refinery, to only name a few. And what’s really new with all this Prototech stuff is that it’s obtainable only from encounters.

As usual, parts of the new content will be added as a free update while the new blocks will be for DLC owners only to build. As per the usual Keen Software policy there will be no need for all the participants in a multiplayer game to own the DLC, only the host.