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Posts published in “Playtime”

It’s yesterday times in Iowa

We’ve been spending some time in the past over in the Upper Mississippi Valley area lately.

This means somewhat smaller equipment. And somewhat less speedy at times too.

Of course there do exist somewhat faster ways to get around. On the way to the store to fetch some much needed seed and fertilizer for the autumn planting.

But when back there’s also grass to get in.

This is something a bit unusual – Soybean straw. Yep, that’s a thing here.

After winter comes a spring. When the snow is gone, field work starts again.

Taking the new truck for a test drive

Since SCS added the Western Star 5700XE model to American Truck Simulator and it happened to coincide with me being a bit bored, I decided it was time for an addition to the stable.

For now it’s the day cab version, so I guess it’s no sleeping in it. It’s a pretty good hauler though.

My first trips all took place in Oregon before going north a bit. Sometimes I find myself longing a bit for the somewhat greener pastures up north.

And what could be better than finding oneself driving along the Olympia peninsula at sunrise with a big load of explosives in tow?

Ending the tour with a nice ferry jump over the sound. It was actually the first time I used that route so all new for me.

Colour coordinated farming

Sometimes it’s important to keep a theme it seems. Welcome to the yellow farm.

This gathering of yellow occured on DJModding’s Upper Mississippi River Valley map and the machines are two Challengers, an American style Claas, and a tree stump remover that I forgot to ask my friend who had it which brand it was.

Milk. Lovely milk

It took a while but by now the milk production at the Atcham farm is in full swing. Which is good because that means that now we can actually start to get some money in for a change.

The MAN milk transport is a mod made by D-S-Agrarservice [Kastor, Floowy, Steven aka W7K] and is available in the official modhub.

Of course since the cows now produce more milk they also needs more feed. So a not insignificant amount of the autumn day had to be spent mowing grass. Both on our own fields and doing contract work for others. This evening job is a contract job, which has the benefit of me having the opportunity to play with some more powerful machines for a change. A heavy duty Case is not within my own budget for sure.

Happy Hauloween

Hauloween – SCS Software’s latest World of Trucks event – is in full swing and as usual those little trinkets one can get pulled me in. So let’s have some nice photos from the latest Corsica trip.

The benefit of a nighttime start is that you get to experience the first sunrays rise over the Mediterranian while transporting whatever is in the spooky trailer.

Yum. Borat’s pizza…
I must admit this is an interesting delivery place. Why a slipway? Am I hauling Halloween things that are supposed to be put to sea? Does the delivery papers say “Customer: Davy Jones” or something?

Autumn in Atcham

Farm work is still going strong in the just outside Atcham (or Attingham). So let’s do a picture post.

Autumn means harvest time and this autumn I had the luck to find a used John Deere that’s well-suited for the job. And when my own field was done it was time to be a helping hand at my neighbour’s harvest work as well…

…before it’s back to my own areals again in order to spread slurry. And yes, this is a very good example on that equipment doesn’t have to be from the same brand (or the same DLC) in order to work together. The Dupont tank turned out to work very well together with the Schouten spreader.

In the English countryside

This is nothing remarkable, just the usual everyday going on in the English countryside. More exactly in Attingham Park outside Shrewsbury where we recently acquired a farm. So it’s time to plow the already harvested field and to harvest the one we got while still growing.

The previous owner could have been a bit better at taking care of his fields though. Or maybe he knew he was going to sell. This is not going to be the best of yields.

Yes, the best that could be said about this field is that it sure hasn’t been subjected to any chemicals.

Starting a farm is always more expenses than income for a while. The autumn being a mix of doing the necessary field work as well as investing in some animals and equipment. Luckily there was at least one harvest that could be sold when winter arrived.

English winter do can bring snow it seems.

Attingham Park is a map mod made by GBModding. The Ford tractor is a mod by johndeere2450 and Mattxjs, and the New Holland combine is made by Tired Iron Modding and is available here.

Welcome to Brzozówka

Hello and welcome to Brzozówka – don’t try to pronounce that if you’re not Polish or your tongue might get twisted. Our journey starts at a very logical place – the local bus stop – on our way to the agricultural equipment store to purchase a tractor to start with.

The first tractor being this one. A Zetor Forterra with 117 horsepower. While not exactly the most fancy and exclusive of tractors, it should be quite enough to get me started on the small-size farm. And it is relatively cheap which is a plus considering I have limited funds when starting from scratch.

First mission for it – pulling a subsoiler in order to break up the surface of the field that comes with the farm.

But after that it’s time for a drive back and forth to the store again in order to get a frontloader and a stone remover tool. I know there are nice, big machinery for that, but this is the cheaper way.

It would probably be a rather cumbersome and slow way to do it if the fields were bigger, but for these really small ones it works just fine and voilà, a field ready to be planted.

Brzozówka is a map made by VenTuriO and Pisel and is available in the official modhub. So are the AgroMasz Duro subsoiler by BartsoNv3 and the stone bucket by Nico Pix. The Zetor Forterra and the Quicke frontloader are base game stuff.

A slight problem in the wine cellar

So we got this idea that since there actually exist a very nice wine cellar, maybe, just maybe it could be accessible with a skid steer. After all there are ramps…

They may be a bit steep though…

I will gracefully omit to show you what happens when trying to lift a heavy wine barrel with a skid steer which is already in a 45-degree angle. Let’s just say that its lift force and distribution of mass get a bit limited.

In the end, and after some experimenting, we found out that the better option was to let them slide down on their own.

These shenanigans took place on the Italia Emilia Extension map by Edomod – which is still one of the best maps in existence for FS22.